5 icebreakers that get any meeting or team building event rolling
Immerse yourself in the world of westerns and comedies, where a small bale of straw, driven by the wind, enters the scene and silence fills the room. Sounds familiar? It might remind you of the last meeting where everyone was waiting for someone else to start the conversation. These tense situations are not as rare in everyday working life as you might think. Whether it's customer meetings, potential partner meetings, team building events with new colleagues, trade fair visits or simply lunch in the canteen with unknown employees — the initial difficulties are often the same.
Getting in touch is often like a social minefield. An incorrectly formulated question can quickly leave a negative impression. Anyone who hesitates too long often appears introverted or uncertain. On the other hand, anyone who uses ready-made phrases risks being perceived as uninspired or unsympathetic. And anyone who is too enthusiastic can quickly appear intrusive. The fine line between appropriate conversation and restraint, riddled with hurdles such as social habits and individual character traits, can be a real challenge. While some seem to float effortlessly across the networking floor, others feel incredibly tense and uncomfortable under similar circumstances.
But don't worry! There is a universal solution for these unpleasant straw-bale moments: the tried and tested icebreakers. Icebreakers are all kinds of questions, games, activities, or events that get people talking in a pleasant and easy way. In opinion research, they often serve as introductory questions to arouse the interest of study participants. At team building events, they are a suitable way to get to know each other, stimulate conversation and have fun together.
An icebreaker has many benefits:
- It enables unknown participants in a conversation or meeting to get to know each other better in a pleasant and informal way.
- It also helps the already known participants to get into a better conversation with each other.
- It can be valuable support in overcoming communication barriers, for example due to age differences or various job positions.
- Depending on the situation, it can be an important impetus for a meeting by specifically drawing attention to a topic.
There are various ways to incorporate an icebreaker into a team event or into an encounter with colleagues or unknown people. Some people even develop their own icebreakers, which requires a certain amount of experience in dealing with conversations and knowledge of human nature. But don't worry, we've put together a small selection for you so that you always choose the right icebreaker for the right audience. A relaxed team meeting requires a different approach than a formal business meeting. Always consider the personality, age, interests, and background of the participants. A well-planned and executed icebreaker activity can set the tone for the entire event and create a positive, open atmosphere.
1. Fun and easy questions to start a conversation
This form of icebreaker is particularly suitable for meetings or team building events with the aim of getting to know each other. They are only conditionally suitable for discussions at conferences or with potential partners due to their not entirely serious nature, but can still be helpful in isolated occasions. The point of a funny question as a start is to Loosen up participants. The focus should be shifted away from the conservative and probably far too serious context of the meeting and thus help your employees feel comfortable. Because anyone who has fun doing something is much more open-minded about everything that follows. The conversation participants develop a sense of belonging, camaraderie and understanding much more quickly. Here are a few examples of such questions:
- Is it called “the” or “that” Nutella? Do you eat them now with or without butter?
- If you were a type of vegetable, what would it be and why?
- If you were to land on a desert island, which three items would you take with you?
- If you could have lunch with a person of your choice, who would you choose?
- Which name would you choose if you could change yours?
There are no limits to your imagination! Ask yourself a few questions that you are sure will amuse your team or counterpart. You will see how the fun will set in all by itself.
2) Combo of three as an icebreaker
Similar to the first example, this icebreaker can be used with both known and unknown conversation participants. You can make it casual or relevant depending on your needs and preferences, because the The basic principle remains the same: You ask your counterpart for 3 answers to a specific question and a reason. Here are a few variants for casual use, which are particularly suitable for getting to know and warm up the conversation:
- Which 3 books did you read last and why?
- Which 3 movies are the worst you've ever seen and why?
- Which 3 countries would you like to visit? Why
It is also interesting to use this icebreaker with questions relating to the team or the meeting of the discussion participants:
- Which 3 aspects of your work would you change?
- What 3 things do you like about being in contact with customers/partners?
- Which 3 changes would you like to see in the company?
Here, too, you can draw on the full design and adapt the icebreaker to your liking. For larger groups, you can also separate them into small teams and let them work out the questions among themselves. Should the time frame permit, a representative from each team could briefly present the joint answers. This exchange usually involves lots of potential for further discussions and interaction.
3) The one-word icebreaker
This form of icebreaker is also ideal for team meetings or team building events. It is about to capture participants' initial thoughts and reactions on a specific topic and thus stimulate discussion. In practice, this can be a topic that was already up for discussion by the working group or any other subject of discussion. With a small number of participants, they can act individually. When there is a larger group or even when several departments come together, it is worthwhile to divide it into groups. In doing so, you should be careful to break up familiar groups and divide the people up randomly instead. This can be done by drawing numbers or using more creative methods such as randomly handing out candy bars (for example “Team Snickers”, etc.). The advantage of the latter is that chocolate bars automatically lift the mood, because Meetings always make you hungry. The next task is simple: “What word can you think of about X”. Add the topic to be discussed to the “X”. In a small group with individually acting participants, everyone should write down their thoughts on a piece of paper and pick them up. In the case of working groups, it is worth taking a minute to think about it, during which the groups discuss with each other and then decide on a word. You'll be surprised what interesting impulses from these first associations for further discussion of the topic! Feel free to ask the participants why they chose the respective words and receive further input. If you don't want to deal with a specific topic but instead want to get to know each other better, you can also use this one-word exercise with the following questions:
- What word would you use to describe your team/person?
- What word would you use to describe your relationship with your boss?
- What word would you use to describe your work?
4) Icebreaker games
Some well-known party and schoolyard games can also be used for business meetings and team building. As a rule, this not only breaks the ice, but also Are the laughing muscles also strained. Here are a few game variants that you can use to lighten up a meeting. Who was it?Hand out sticky notes to all participants and ask them to note an embarrassing characteristic or a funny work anecdote (again, you are flexible in the design). Then mix the pieces of paper and ask all participants in turn to attach a randomly drawn sticky note of the person you suspect to be the author. Who am IIt starts again with sticky notes, which you hand out to all participants. Now ask them to sit in a circle and then assign an imaginary person to their left-hand neighbor. This could be a historical figure, a star or a well-known person from the workplace. The participants should then write the name of the chosen person face down on the piece of paper and - without cheating - stick it to the forehead of the person sitting next to them. Now everyone has to ask questions about “their person” in order to guess who they are. The group answers the questions collectively. If the question can be answered with a “yes”, the participant may ask another question. If the answer is “no,” it is the next person's turn with questions. Truth or lie?Each participant is asked to come up with 3 anecdotes, two of which are true and one is made up. They must then tell this to the rest of the group, with the others having to guess which anecdote is a lie. Association fireThe participants should stand in a circle (emphasis on standing, as this awakens tired spirits and increases the ability to concentrate). The first person should say any word aloud. The following participant on the left should then say a word that he mentally connects with the first. It is important that this process should take place very quickly and without a long period of reflection.
5) The icebreaker of similarities
This icebreaker is a great opportunity To bring members of a team closer together. To do this, divide the participants into small groups. A fair option for this is to count through with numbers from 1 to x (x stands for the number of groups). All ones are then in one group, all twos in another, and so on. Now ask the participants in each group to find 10 similarities and write them down on a piece of paper. These should not be obvious things such as “two eyes” or “I work in the same company”, but should instead be of a more personal nature. With this exercise, you ensure that employees get into conversation with each other who might never have this type of personal contact under normal working conditions. Observe how participants exceed barriers to completing the task that they would otherwise comply with. If everyone feels comfortable, the results can then be evaluated together.
Choosing the right icebreaker
In addition to the ones just mentioned, there are many other ways to make a meeting more pleasant and to get started with an event such as a team meeting. When choosing or designing an icebreaker yourself, it is important that you use Observe the following criteria:
- zeit - How much time do you have? How many minutes do you want to allocate to the icebreaker? Should it only be used as an introduction to the topic or should it be a supporting element of the conversation?
- composition - What group of people does the event consist of? Is the ambiance suitable for the icebreaker? What are the possible interests and preferences of the participants?
- purpose - What do you want to achieve with the icebreaker? Should it only trigger interaction between participants or should it help to reduce fears of contact with more profound topics?
As soon as you have determined the necessary criteria for your event, it will be much easier for you to choose the right icebreaker (or perhaps even the right icebreaker). It will be worth the effort!
Ultimately, using icebreakers is about promoting trust and collaboration, improving communication, and creating a positive working atmosphere. They can be used at the start of a meeting, workshop, or team building event to help participants feel comfortable, open up, and connect with each other.
Icebreakers are a wonderful tool for designing the start of events where people should interact with each other in a pleasant and casual way. They can break the ice, lift spirits, improve group dynamics, and pave the way for more effective communication and collaboration. Use these strategies to make your next meeting or team building event a complete success and increase the productivity, creativity, and satisfaction of your team members.
Icebreakers are more than just little games or funny questions. They're a powerful tool for bringing people together, building trust, and creating a positive, productive atmosphere. Try it out and watch how the magic of icebreakers transforms your meetings and team building events.
Whether you have a small group of colleagues or a large team of employees, it's important that everyone feels comfortable and included. With these icebreakers, you can achieve just that and make every meeting or team building event a complete success. Get ready to break the ice and let productivity bubble!
Use the ideas presented here as a source of inspiration and adapt them to your needs. Whether you're asking questions, playing games, or organizing activities, the key is to help participants feel comfortable and encourage dialogue. After all, the best work is done in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Let the wind of change blow through your next meeting and say goodbye to the rolling bale of straw!
... and remember: Icebreakers aren't just limited to professional or formal meetings. They can also be useful in social or informal situations, such as family gatherings, parties, or social events. They can even be used online in virtual meetings or chats to encourage interaction and get the conversation going. There are many innovative and exciting opportunities in this regard, such as our ONLINE ESCAPE GAMES, which are not only fun, but also promote collaboration and problem-solving thinking.
Here are a few more tips to use icebreakers effectively:
- Always be prepared: A good ice breaker requires preparation. Before you meet, consider which type of icebreaker is best suited to the situation, audience, and purpose of the meeting. A great way to do this in an informal yet challenging context is to join one of our OUTDOOR ESCAPE GAMES. They provide the perfect opportunity to break the ice by encouraging participants to work together and think creatively to solve puzzles and complete challenges.
- Be flexible: Not all icebreakers work equally well in every situation. Be prepared to change your plans or try out another icebreaker if the first one doesn't go down as well as you'd hoped.
- Be empathetic: Note the participants' reactions to the icebreaker. If they feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable, it may be that the icebreaker wasn't well-chosen. Try to find another approach that is better suited to participants.
- Be positive: The purpose of an icebreaker is to create a positive, open, and friendly atmosphere. Be positive and open-minded yourself and promote this attitude among participants as well.
Icebreakers are an incredibly valuable tool in your communication and leadership toolbox. They promote trust, openness, and collaboration, which are essential for successful teamwork and effective communication. Use them wisely and watch them change the dynamics of your meetings and events for the better. Our ONLINE ESCAPE GAMES and OUTDOOR ESCAPE GAMES are a great example of how you can use icebreakers in a fun yet productive format.
Good luck with your future events and meetings, and remember: A good icebreaker can make the difference between a productive, energetic event and one that just ripples. Use the power of icebreakers to take your events to the next level and create an atmosphere that encourages collaboration and productivity.